Page 12 - Training for Promotion from Elementary Rank to Junior Rank
P. 12

Training for Promotion from Elementary Rank to Junior Rank

                     W:     We need to check your forehead temperature before we let
                            you in.

                     (Mr. Wang takes John’s temperature.)

                     W:     36.5 degrees Celsius. OK.

                     (Mr. Wang takes Catherine’s temperature.)

                     W:     35.8 degrees Celsius. OK.

                     W:     Now please spray your hands with alcohol for disinfection.

                            Thank you for your cooperation.

                     W:     Please take a ticket and wait for your number to be called.
                            Thank you.

                     Public Address System (PA system): Guest number 18, please come to

                     counter 2. Thank you.

                     H:     Good Morning. Welcome to Fullerton City.

                            How may I help you?

                     J:     We are going to participate in the City Marathon this Sunday and
                            plan to stay in Fullerton for three days. We are very interested

                            in the city’s historic sites. Do you have any recommendations?

                     H:     If you like historical sites, then you have come to the right place.

                            This race is a long-standing tradition. It offers the chance to see

                            historic monuments and to experience traditional Taiwanese
                            food, so this event is a perennial fan favorite.

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