Page 17 - Training for Promotion from Elementary Rank to Junior Rank
P. 17

Practical English for Civil Servants

                     延伸建議                 Exercises

                                     情境延伸應用說明                               Exercise Resources
                                    Exercise Scenarios
                                                                              and References

                    ●  以小組其中一位受訓人員分發機關之所在城                                   【交通部觀光署】

                       市為主題(例如:花蓮、桃園、宜蘭等),                                         Tourism
                       因辦理賽事、活動或節慶招呼外國人士,並                                    Administration

                       向其介紹或導覽在地特色文化。介紹內容可                                          MOTC


                    ●   Pick a city of one of the trainees on a
                       team for the scenario. The exercise is then

                       based on the city/organization where
                       that trainee is deployed (eg. Hualien,

                       Yilan, etc.) and involves hosting an event
                       with international visitors. Trainees will

                       need to introduce the event and tourist
                       attractions, and explain the unique aspects

                       of the local culture (e.g. transportation,
                       local folk festivities, historic monuments,

                       traditional food, etc.) as if speaking to an
                       international visitor.

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