Page 36 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 36

Promotion Training for Police Officers

                      The fire trucks and firefighters will be       消防車及消防人員很快便會
                      arriving any moment now.                       抵達現場。

                      Let me perform an initial assessment           我現在會先幫您的身體做一

                      of your injuries. Please relax and stay        次初步創傷評估。請放輕鬆
                      calm.                                          並保持鎮定。

                      We’ll place you on a stretcher and put         我們現在要將您移至擔架上,
                      you in the ambulance. After that we            並搬運至救護車內。待會我

                      will check your breathing, pulse and           們將量測您的呼吸、脈搏及
                      blood pressure.                                血壓。

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