Page 35 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 35

Practical English for Police Officers

                     實用句型                Practical Sentence Patterns

                    Hotline Service and Application Inquiries

                     Hello, this is 119 of the Greenlake            您好。這裡是翠湖縣政府消

                     County Fire Department.                        防局。
                     How can I help you?                            如何協助您?

                     Don’t panic! What’s happened?                  別驚慌!發生什麼事?

                     Calm down.                                     請冷靜。

                     I am here to help you.                         讓我來協助您。

                     Please tell me your name and the               請告訴我您的姓名及緊急事
                     location of the emergency.                     故所在位址。

                     Are there any landmarks around you?            附近有什麼顯著的地標嗎?

                     We will dispatch a firefighting team           好!我們馬上派人過去。


                     Please evacuate the scene instantly.           請即刻遠離火災現場。

                     Leave your passports and things                請不要再返回火場去拿取您

                     where they are. Don’t go back to get           們的護照及財物。

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