Page 57 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 57

Practical English for Police Officers

                     實用句型                Practical Sentence Patterns

                     I am Firefighter Clark, First Rescue           我是大都會市消防局第一救

                     Brigade of the Fire Department of the          災救護大隊的消防員克拉克。
                     Metropolitan City.

                     Today, I have the pleasure to introduce        今天很榮幸為大家介紹消防
                     the daily tasks as a firefighter.              員日常執行勤務的工作項目。

                     In terms of firefighting, the most             就消防工作而言,火災現場

                     terrible situation is fire of chemical         搶救,最可怕的就是遇到化
                     factories or flammable objects.                學工廠或是易燃物品。

                     As for traffic accident rescue, large          關於車禍事故現場救護,在
                     machines are imperative in the case of         車輛變形情況下,甚至還要

                     deformed vehicles.                             出動大型機具。

                     With regard to gas leak fire rescue,           瓦斯外洩事故現場搶救,避

                     to avoid explosion and to disperse             免發生爆炸,還要協助疏散
                     residents are essential.                       民眾。

                     For searching and rescuing drowning            搜 救 溺 水 民 眾, 為 了 搶 救
                     people, firefighters usually soak in           生命,常常泡在水裡不知多

                     water all the time just for saving lives.      久呢!

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