Page 10 - Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations (Practical English for Civil Servants - for Junior Civil Servants)
P. 10

Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations

                      During the event, there will be traffic        活動期間,會場周邊道路將
                      control on the roads around the                進行交通管制,並定時定點

                      venue. Shuttle buses will be provided          提供接駁車往返高鐵站與活
                      between the high-speed rail station            動會場。

                      and the venue at designated times
                      and locations.

                      At the three exits of the venue, there         會場於 3 個出口處設置美食

                      will be food areas, mobile toilets, and        區、流動廁所及救護站。

                      first-aid stations.

                      Taiwan’s traditional cuisine is unique.        臺灣的傳統美食別具特色。
                      I especially recommend snacks from             我特別推薦夜市中的各式小

                      the night market. In particular, bubble        吃,珍珠奶茶更是不容錯過。
                      tea is not to be missed.

                      The Lantern Festival is a lively folk          元宵節是一個熱鬧的民俗文化

                      cultural event. In addition to yuanxiao        節慶活動。除了吃元宵外,各
                      foods, there will be activities such as        地還有賞花燈及猜燈謎活動。

                      lantern displaying and riddle guessing.

                      Flying sky lanterns is a famous                在臺灣北部,於元宵節施放

                      traditional activity in northern Taiwan        天燈是知名的傳統活動。人
                      during the Lantern Festival. People            們經常於天燈上寫下對來年

                      usually write their wishes on the              的願望。
                      lanterns for the coming year.

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