Page 9 - Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations (Practical English for Civil Servants - for Junior Civil Servants)
P. 9

Practical English for Civil Servants - for Junior Civil Servants

                     實用句型                Practical Sentence Patterns

                    Hosting Foreign Guests and Introducing Local Culture

                     Originally scheduled on March 1, the           今年度在富樂登市的半程馬

                     Fullerton City Half Marathon was               拉松原訂於 3 月 1 日辦理,
                     postponed to October 18 due to the             因受嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎疫

                     severity of the COVID pandemic.                情影響,延期至 10 月 18 日

                     This race has a long-standing tradition.       這是一項具有悠久傳統的賽

                     It offers the chance to see historic           事,結合歷史文化古蹟及傳
                     monuments and to experience                    統特色美食兩大特色,因此
                     traditional Taiwanese food, so this            深受大眾歡迎。

                     event is a fan favorite.

                     Please check your registration number          報到前請先至官網查詢報到

                     on the official website in advance. You        編號,並於報到時出示身分
                     will need to present a form of ID when         證明文件。

                     signing in.

                     Sign in there and get your race                請在那邊報到並領取比賽所

                     supplies, such as your bib number,             需物品,例如號碼布、安全
                     safety pins, a timing chip, and goodie         別針、計時晶片以及廠商贊
                     bags with presents from our sponsors.          助的報到好禮。

                     The closing ceremony is a multi-               閉幕典禮則是大型燈光秀,
                     sensory and interactive large-scale            以視覺與聽覺創造的多感官

                     light show involving light and sound,          互動體驗,讓民眾身歷其境。
                     providing participants with a unique

                     and exciting experience.

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