Page 10 - Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations (Practical English for Civil Servants - for Elementary Civil Servants)
P. 10

Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations

                      This race has a long-standing tradition.       這是一項具有悠久傳統的賽
                      It offers the chance to see historic           事,結合歷史文化古蹟及傳

                      monuments and to experience                    統特色美食兩大特色,因此
                      traditional Taiwanese food, so this            深受大眾歡迎。

                      event is a fan favorite.

                      Taiwan’s traditional cuisine is unique.        臺灣的傳統美食別具特色。

                      I especially recommend snacks from             我特別推薦夜市中的各式小

                      the night market. In particular, bubble        吃,珍珠奶茶更是不容錯過。
                      tea is not to be missed.

                      The Lantern Festival is a lively folk          元宵節是一個熱鬧的民俗文化
                      cultural event. In addition to yuanxiao        節慶活動。除了吃元宵外,各

                      foods, there will be activities such as        地還有賞花燈及猜燈謎活動。
                      lantern displaying and riddle guessing.

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