Page 9 - Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations (Practical English for Civil Servants - for Elementary Civil Servants)
P. 9

Practical English for Civil Servants - for Elementary Civil Servants

                     實用句型                Practical Sentence Patterns

                    General Service Counter and Introducing Local Culture

                     Hello, how may I help you?                     您好,請問有什麼需要服務


                     Please take a ticket and wait for your         麻煩請先抽號碼牌並等待叫
                     number to be called. Thank you.                號,謝謝。

                     No problem.                                    沒問題。

                     Please wait here for a moment.                 請在這邊稍待片刻。

                     Please wear a mask in public to stop           請在公眾場合戴上口罩以並
                     the spread of the virus.                       避免病毒傳播。

                     We need to take your forehead                  我們需要量測您的額溫。


                     Please spray alcohol on your hands for         請在雙手噴灑酒精,以利
                     disinfection.                                  消毒。

                     Please wait while I check that for you.        請稍待片刻。我幫您確認


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