Page 31 - Training for Promotion from Elementary Rank to Junior Rank
P. 31

Practical English for Civil Servants

                     實用句型                Practical Sentence Patterns

                    Introducing Agency and Making Job Description

                     Hello, welcome to the Galaxy                   歡迎各位蒞臨銀河縣。我是

                     County. I am Household Registration            銀河縣戶政事務所戶籍員陳
                     Officer Mary Chen of the Household             瑪莉。

                     Registration Office of the Galaxy

                     Today I would like to introduce duties         今天為大家介紹戶政事務所
                     of the Household Registration Office,          的業務,以及戶籍員的工作

                     and make job descriptions.                     內容。

                     The Household Registration Office              戶政事務所主要負責戶籍登

                     is mainly in charge of household               記,記錄人的一生,從出生
                     registration, and records of people            到死亡,包括出生登記、核

                     through their life from birth to               發國民身分證、結婚離婚證
                     death, including birth registration,           明書等。

                     identity card, marriage and divorce
                     registrations, and so on.

                     The government formulates natalist             政府制定生育政策獎勵生育。
                     policies to nudge citizens to have more        生育獎勵金也是我們核發的

                     children. We are also responsible for          喔。

                     the maternity pension.

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