Page 32 - Training for Promotion from Elementary Rank to Junior Rank
P. 32

Training for Promotion from Elementary Rank to Junior Rank

                      In addition, some people come to               另外,為了好運,民眾會跑
                      apply for name changes in order to             來找我們改名。

                      bring good fortune.

                      If citizens apply for registration of          如果民眾辦理遷徙登記,我們
                      movement, our system can connect               的系統可以連線稅務、監理、
                      to the taxation department, motor              地政系統等,非常便民呢!

                      vehicles office, land office and related

                      offices for simultaneous changes. It is
                      really convenient to people.

                      Besides, we also set up the wedding            我們還設置溫馨的場景,讓
                      scene layout for newlyweds to take             新人們辦理結婚登記時可以

                      photos when they apply for the                 拍照留念。
                      marriage registration.

                      Sometimes we could also act as the             有時候遇到前來辦理離婚登
                      spiritual mentors to comfort those             記的民眾心情低落時,我們

                      who file for divorce.                          也會充當心靈導師,適時給

                      Moreover, we have a super mission              除此之外,我們還要執行超
                      to help people to search their friends,        級任務,幫忙民眾協尋親友,

                      relatives, childhood playmates, and            尋找兒時玩伴、以前鄰居,
                      neighbors so they can get in touch             讓大家重新取得聯繫。

                      with each other again.

                      It is a meaningful job because every           這是一份非常有意義的工作,

                      citizen requires our service at every          每個民眾人生重要的時刻,
                      special moment in his or her life.             都需要我們的服務。

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