Page 36 - Training for Promotion from Elementary Rank to Junior Rank
P. 36

Training for Promotion from Elementary Rank to Junior Rank

                    ★  apply for + 名詞(申請)(申請的事物如:學校、工作或貸款)


                            We could apply for a loan to buy a car.

                    ★  apply to(適用於)(通常會和法律條文或特定的規章有關)

                            The new regulation applies to all trading companies in the


                    需要 , 要求 , 命令 , 必須 , 需求、強制規定要做

                    ★  require(需要 , 要求 , 命令 , 必須 , 需求)

                            Teaching my daughter to drive required a lot of patience.

                    ★  be required to(強制規定要做)


                            Vehicles regardless of public use, private use, and military use
                            are required to declare and pay the vehicle license tax.


                            Taxpayers are required to complete payment within the given

                    ★  a legal requirement that(強制規定要做)


                            It is a legal requirement that you have insurance for your car.

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