Page 30 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 30

Promotion Training for Police Officers

                      重要詞彙                Words & Phrases

                     officer (N.)                                     軍警人員

                     police station (N.)                              派出所

                     precinct (N.)                                    分局

                     introduce (V.)                                   介紹

                     daily routine (N.)                               例行公事;日常勤務

                     patrol (N.) (V.)                                 巡邏

                     beat (N.)

                     maintain (V.)                                    維護;維持

                     social order and security (N.)                   社會治安

                     violation (N.)                                   違反

                     burglary (N.)                                    進入建築物內竊盜

                     theft (N.)                                       竊盜案;竊盜罪

                     DUI(driving under the influence 的縮寫) 酒後駕車

                     checkpoint (N.)                                  臨檢點

                     accident (N.)                                    事故;意外

                     dispute (N.)                                     糾紛;爭執;爭端

                     regulate (V.)                                    管理;控制;調節

                     brawl (N.)                                       毆鬥;鬧事

                     violence (N.)                                    暴力;暴力行為

                     crime (N.)                                       犯罪

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