Page 61 - Training for Promotion from Junior Rank to Senior Rank
P. 61

Practical English for Civil Servants

                     實用句型                Practical Sentence Patterns

                    Introducing Agency and Making Job Description

                    Hello, welcome to the Galaxy Republic.

                    您好,歡迎蒞臨銀河國 (Galaxy Republic)。

                    It’s a pleasure to meet you. I am Senior Specialist Teresa Wu, Ministry
                    of Urban Planning.

                    很高興認識您,我是都市計畫部的專門委員,我叫 Teresa Wu。

                    I am pleased to take this opportunity to introduce my agency.


                    The head of Ministry of Urban Planning is the Minister. The total

                    number of staff is around 200.


                    I have worked in the Ministry of Urban Planning for ten years.
                    And I assist the Director General in supervising and managing our


                    我在都市計畫部工作 10 年,襄助司長督導管理所屬業務。

                    The development of intelligent nation of the Galaxy Republic is famous
                    all over the world.


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