Page 23 - Training for Promotion from Elementary Rank to Junior Rank
P. 23

Practical English for Civil Servants

                     M:     Your suggestions are very helpful.

                            I’ll be well prepared for it. By the way, the road test is the most
                            difficult stage out of four, isn’t it?

                     C:     Exactly. It is quite a challenge for our test takers from overseas.

                     M:     You can say that again.

                            In Taiwan, the number of scooters on the roads is incredible.

                            It gave me quite a shock to witness the stunning swarms of
                            rush-hour scooters when I first arrived Taiwan.

                     C:     The tests are designed around the measures most necessary

                            to keep you safe on the road, so that you can always make it
                            home safe and sound.

                            Because safety is our number one priority.

                     M:     Thank you for your explanation. It’s crystal clear now.

                     C:     You’re welcome.

                            Passing the test and getting a license isn’t rocket science; just
                            keep practicing before taking the test and you will be sure to

                            pass it.

                            Is there anything else I can help you with?

                     M:     No. I think that’s all. Thank you.

                     C:     Great. Thank you for calling.

                            I hope you have a wonderful day.

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