Page 19 - Training for Promotion from Elementary Rank to Junior Rank
P. 19

Practical English for Civil Servants

                     實用句型                Practical Sentence Patterns

                    Hotline Service and Application Inquiries

                     Hello, Motor Vehicles Office service           您好,這裡是監理所服務專

                     line, this is Ms. Chen speaking. What          線,敝姓陳。請問有什麼需
                     can I do for you?                              要服務的地方?

                     To successfully obtain a scooter               若想要成功考取機車駕照,
                     driver’s license, you have to pass a           必須歷經 4 個階段的考驗。

                     four-stage test.

                     Please request the registration form           您可以至服務臺索取登記表。

                     from the service desk.

                     Please take your passport, proof               您需要攜帶您的護照、在臺

                     of Taiwan more-than-six-months                 灣居留 6 個月以上之證明文

                     residency, and three one-inch ID               件及本人最近 2 年內拍攝之
                     photos taken within the past two               1 吋脫帽五官清晰正面半身彩
                     years.                                         色照片 3 張。

                     Please go to counter six on the second         請至 2 樓 6 號窗口,登記報

                     floor to register for the scooter              考機車駕照考試。
                     driver’s license test.

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