Page 21 - Training for Promotion from Elementary Rank to Junior Rank
P. 21

Practical English for Civil Servants

                     情境對話                 Dialogue

                    Interested in a Scooter-Driver License

                        Mary will work in Taipei for several years. She plans to commute by

                    scooter for her convenience. Today, she decides to make a phone call to
                    the Motor Vehicles Office ( 監理所 ) and asks Desk Officer Chen about

                    getting a scooter driver’s license.

                     M = Mary =瑪麗

                     C = Ms. Chen =陳科員

                     C:     Good morning, Motor Vehicles Office service line, this is Ms.

                            Chen speaking. What can I do for you?

                     M:     I am considering to get a scooter driver’s license but I have

                            heard that it’s very complicated.

                     C:     First of all, you must be over the age of eighteen.

                     M:     Oh. I’m in my mid-thirties.

                     C:     I see. To successfully obtain a scooter driver’s license, you have
                            to pass a four-stage test.

                     M:     What is the first stage?

                     C:     Stage one is a physical check-up.

                            Please request the registration form (機器腳踏車駕駛執照登記書)

                            from the service desk, and then take your physical check-up at
                            a clinic near you.

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