Page 20 - Training for Promotion from Elementary Rank to Junior Rank
P. 20

Training for Promotion from Elementary Rank to Junior Rank

                      The written test is now available in           筆試亦有提供英文版本。

                      The tests are designed around the              這些措施都是為了讓您能安

                      measures most necessary to keep                全上路、平安回家。
                      you safe on the road, so that you can
                      always make it home safe and sound.

                      Thank you for your patience.                   不好意思,讓您久等了。

                      Passing the test and getting a                 只要在考試前能持續不斷地
                      license isn’t rocket science; just keep        練習,想要考取駕照並非不

                      practicing before taking the test and          可能。
                      you will be sure to pass it.

                      Is there anything else I can help you          還 有 什 麼 我 能 效 勞 的 地 方
                      with?                                          嗎?

                      Thank you for calling. I hope you have         感謝您的來電。祝您有個美
                      a wonderful day.                               好的一天。

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