Page 11 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 11

Practical English for Police Officers

                     實用句型                Practical Sentence Patterns

                    Lost and Found Service Counter

                     How are you?                                   您好,請問有什麼需要協助

                     What can I do for you?                         的地方?

                     Calm down, please! We shall try our            請保持冷靜!我們會盡力協

                     best to assist you.                            助您。

                     Can you recall when you last used              您最後一次使用手機是什麼

                     your mobile phone?                             時候?

                     Today’s technology is really advanced          現在科技已經很發達。也許
                     and we can try to use it to find your          我們可以試著用科技辦案的
                     mobile phone back.                             方式找回您的手機。

                     Take your time! We will do our best to         別緊張!我們會盡力協助您。

                     help you.

                     What does your wallet look like? Can           您 的 皮 夾 長 什 麼 樣 子? 可

                     you describe it? What is the color?            以 請 您 描 述 一 下 嗎? 像 是
                     Any special features and contents?             顏 色、 特 徵, 以 及 裡 頭 有

                     We need to fill out your personal              我們需要填寫您的基本資料。


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