Page 13 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 13

Practical English for Police Officers

                     情境對話                 Dialogue

                    I Lost My Mobile Phone!

                        Police Officer Lee was on duty at the Lakeshore Precinct’s Whitesands

                    Police Station ( 湖濱分局白砂派出所 ) of the Greenlake County Police
                    Department ( 翠湖縣政府警察局 ).

                        On this morning, John ran into the station in a flurry.

                     L = Police Officer Lee =李警員

                     J = John =約翰

                     C = Catherine =凱薩琳

                     L:     How are you?

                            What can I do for you?

                     J:     I lost my mobile phone!

                     L:     Calm down, please!

                            We shall try our best to assist you.

                            Can you recall when you last used your mobile phone?

                     J:     I don’t recall…....

                            I just bought it not so long ago and it cost me over NTD 20,000.

                     L:     Don’t worry!

                            Do you have a google account?

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