Page 15 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 15

Practical English for Police Officers

                     L:     Fine! Let’s take it slowly.

                            What does your wallet look like?

                            Can you describe it?

                            What is the color? Any special features and contents?

                     C:     It’s rectangular and black.

                            There are credit cards, ID card, about NTD 5,000 in cash, and,

                            most precious of all, a photo of my mother and me.

                            I didn’t lose a wallet, but rather a basket full of happy memories.

                     L:     I got it!

                            Do you have your passport with you?

                            We need to fill out your personal information.

                     C:     Yes! Here it is!

                     Catherine hands Police Officer Lee her passport.

                     L:     Do you have a mobile phone number?

                            We will inform you if and when we found it.

                     C:     Yes, I do.

                            My mobile phone number is 0912-345678.

                     L:     Let me repeat it: 0912-345678.

                     C:     That’s correct.

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