Page 12 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 12

Promotion Training for Police Officers

                      Here is your Police Incident Report. If        這是您的「受(處)理案件
                      you don’t have any questions about it,         證明單」。如果沒有任何問

                      please sign here.                              題,請在這裡簽名。

                      We will inform you if and when we              如果我們尋獲您遺失的物品,
                      found it.                                      將會通知您前來認領。

                      This is your copy.                             這是給您的副本。

                      Once we input the information to the           我們會將資料輸入電腦,並公
                      computer system, it will be posted             告在「拾得遺失物管理系統」,

                      on the Lost and Found bulletin                 希望很快就會有好消息。

                      immediately. We hope to have some
                      good news for you very soon.

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