Page 75 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 75

Practical English for Police Officers

                     When workers embark on a lighthouse            當工人出海維修燈塔,大浪
                     service operation, huge waves may              來襲膠筏翻覆,危在旦夕,

                     capsize the rubber raft. We instantly          海巡隊即刻搶救落水工人。
                     rescue workers at stake.

                     By and large, the Coast Guard                  總而言之,救生救難,船舶
                     Administration is responsible for              發生故障,沉沒擱淺、碰撞、

                     the executions of maritime rescue              失火、爆炸或其他有關船舶、

                     operations. We engage in all kinds             貨載、船員或旅客之非常事故
                     of incidents related to passengers or          者,都是我們海巡署的職責。
                     vessels on the sea, such as wrecking,

                     collision, firing, grounding, explosion

                     among others.

                     Upholding the spirit of saving lives           秉持「救人為第一優先」之

                     as a top priority, the Coast Guard             精神,積極投入救難與救援,
                     Administration will spare no efforts           我們海巡署會以最快的速度

                     in conducting all kinds of rescue              全力協助或救援,以維護國
                     operations so as to safeguard life and         人的生命財產安全。

                     property of our nationals.

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