Page 77 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 77

Practical English for Police Officers

                     conduct (V.)                                    執行;實施

                     maritime (Adj.)                                 海運的;航海的;海上的

                     wreck (N.)                                      失事;沉船

                     angler (N.)                                     垂釣客

                     breakwater (N.)                                 防波堤

                     lighthouse (N.)                                 燈塔

                     at stake (Phr.)                                 危在旦夕;危急關頭

                     passenger (N.)                                  乘客;旅客

                     collision (N.)                                  碰撞;相撞

                     重點解析                Tips in Use



                           I am Officer Allen Chang and currently working in the 6th
                           Offshore Flotilla of the Fleet Branch of the Coast Guard


                           I am Officer Allen Chang of the 6th Offshore Flotilla of the Fleet

                           Branch of the Coast Guard Administration.

                           I am Allen Chang. I currently work as an Officer of the 6th

                           Offshore Flotilla of the Fleet Branch of the Coast Guard

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