Page 73 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 73

Practical English for Police Officers

                     實用句型                Practical Sentence Patterns

                     Hi, everybody. I am Officer Allen Chang        大家好,我是張艾倫,目前

                     and currently working in the 6th               是海巡署艦隊分署第六海巡
                     Offshore Flotilla of the Fleet Branch of       隊的隊員。

                     the Coast Guard Administration.

                     Today, I would like to introduce how           今天要為大家介紹海巡隊隊

                     an offshore flotilla officer performs his      員如何執行日常工作。

                     daily routine.

                     Boarding the patrolling ships and              搭乘艦艇,乘風破浪,我們
                     riding the wind and waves, we are in           負責維護漁權,專屬經濟海

                     charge of protecting fishing rights by         域巡護,取締越界國外漁船,

                     patrolling on the exclusive economic           公海巡護。
                     zones. For instance, we crack down on
                     illegal transboundary foreign-flagged

                     fishing vessels and patrol on the high


                     Whenever there are suspected fishing           發現非法偷渡的可疑漁船,

                     vessels engaging illegal immigration,          進行海上攔查及登船檢查,
                     we carry out interception and onboard          打擊人蛇集團,查獲偷渡客。

                     inspection for stowaway so as to
                     combat human smuggling syndicates.

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