Page 74 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 74

Promotion Training for Police Officers

                      We spare no efforts in cracking down           我們查緝海上走私菸、酒、
                      on crimes of illegal smuggling of              毒品等不法情事,維持市場

                      tobacco, alcohol, and drugs from the           秩序穩定,維護國民健康,
                      sea so as to maintain the market order         杜絕走私不遺餘力。

                      and safeguard people’s health.

                      Massive cargo ships tend to run                當大型貨輪機件故障,又受

                      aground because of mechanic failures           到漲退潮影響貨輪擱淺,等

                      or ebb and flow of tides. The Coast            待救援,解救受困船員。
                      Guards conduct maritime rescue
                      operations for and retreat crew

                      members from wreck vessels.

                      After receiving reports of incidents           外海發生火燒船事故,接獲
                      such as vessels are on fire on open            通報後搭乘巡防艇前往協助

                      waters, the Coast Guards board                 救援。
                      patrolling vessels immediately for

                      rescue operations.

                      Furthermore, we also rescue                    戲水泳客疑似因體力不支,

                      swimmers who are exhausted and                 並遭浪帶著離岸越漂越遠,
                      tided away from the seashore.                  前往救援。

                      Neglecting the tidal time, anglers are         釣魚客未注意到漲潮時間,
                      stuck on breakwater and about to be            受困於離岸堤上,眼見因潮

                      swallowed by rogue waves. The coast            汐關係即將被海水吞噬,獲
                      guard dispatches a lifeboat for rescue         報後即派遣救生艇前往救援。


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