Page 18 - Training for Employees of Transportation Enterprises Promotion from Middle Rank to Senior Rank
P. 18

Training for Employees of Transportation Enterprises Promotion
                        from Middle Rank to Senior Rank

                      If you need a tracking number, you’ll          如果您需要掛號號碼以追蹤
                      have to send it by registered mail.            郵件資料,那您需要以掛號


                      Your mail weighs 25 grams. Then it is          您此封郵件的重量是 25 克。
                      NTD36 by registered mail .                     以普通掛號寄送郵資是

                                                                     36 元。

                      Let’s put it on the scale and see how          讓我們先將包裹放到磅秤上
                      much it weighs first.                          以量測重量。

                      May I suggest you use one of our               我會建議您使用我們郵局所
                      “Ready-to-use Boxes” provided by the           提供的「便利箱」服務。不

                      post office? Moreover, discount rates          僅幫您準備好寄送的箱子,
                      are available when these boxes are             重複使用箱子也能折抵郵資。


                      Please fill out your mailing information       請在此處填寫郵寄資訊,包

                      here, including the zip code and               含郵遞區號及寄件人地址。
                      sender’s address.

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