Page 14 - Training for Employees of Transportation Enterprises Promotion from Middle Rank to Senior Rank
P. 14

Training for Employees of Transportation Enterprises Promotion
                        from Middle Rank to Senior Rank

                      重要詞彙                Words & Phrases

                     one-day pass (N.)                                一日券

                     platform (N.)                                    月臺

                     head to (V.)                                     前往;朝⋯⋯前進

                     painted train (N.)                               彩繪列車

                     last car of the train (N.)                       最後一節車廂

                     rack (N.)                                        車架

                     take charge of (Phr.)                            負責;保管

                     cypress (N.)                                     檜木

                     exterior (N.)                                    外觀;表面

                     railway bento (N.)                               鐵路便當

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