Page 15 - Training for Employees of Transportation Enterprises Promotion from Middle Rank to Senior Rank
P. 15

Practical English for Employees of Transportation Enterprises

                     延伸建議                 Exercises

                                     情境延伸應用說明                               Exercise Resources
                                    Exercise Scenarios
                                                                              and References

                    ●  以小組其中一位受訓人員所在城市之車站為                                   【臺灣鐵路公司】

                       主題(例如:花蓮、桃園、宜蘭等),向外                                    Taiwan Railway
                       國人士介紹車站資訊、車站設施或導覽在地                                      Corporation


                    ●   Select one of the railway stations of a
                       participating trainee (eg. Hualien, Yilan,

                       etc.) for each team in the scenario. The
                       exercise involves hosting an event with

                       international visitors. Trainees will need
                       to introduce the facilities in the station,

                       tourist information and attractions, and
                       describe the unique aspects of local

                       culture as if talking to an international

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