Page 17 - Training for Employees of Transportation Enterprises Promotion from Middle Rank to Senior Rank
P. 17

Practical English for Employees of Transportation Enterprises

                     實用句型                Practical Sentence Patterns

                    Post Service Counter Questions and Application Inquiries

                     Please mask up in public areas to stop         請在公眾場合戴上口罩以避

                     the spread of the virus.                       免病毒傳播。

                     We need to check your forehead                 我們需要量測您的額溫。


                     Please disinfect your hands with the           請在雙手噴灑酒精,以利

                     alcohol spray .                                消毒。

                     Please take a ticket and wait for your         麻煩請先抽號碼牌並等待
                     number to be called.                           叫號。

                     For international postcards, each one          關於寄送明信片的國際郵資,
                     within Asia costs NTD10, and each one          寄往亞洲國家是每張 10 元;

                     to Europe costs NTD12.                         寄至歐洲各國則是每張
                                                                    12 元。

                     Thank you for your patience.                   不好意思,讓您久等了。

                     How would you like to send it? At the          您希望以何種方式寄送這封

                     ordinary mail rate? Or at the prompt           信件?是普通郵件?還是限
                     delivery mail rate?                            時郵件呢?

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