Page 9 - Training for Employees of Transportation Enterprises Promotion from Middle Rank to Senior Rank
P. 9

Practical English for Employees of Transportation Enterprises

                     實用句型                Practical Sentence Patterns

                    Tourist Service Counter Questions and Railway Ticket

                     Hello, how may I help you?                     您好,請問有什麼需要服務

                     Would it be one way or round trip?             請問是單程票還是來回票?

                     Please remember to ask the train               請記得向列車長詢問車廂是
                     conductor about the availability and           否仍有停放腳踏車的空間以

                     location of bike spaces.                       及何處可以停放。

                     You may take the 8:00 am train                 您可以搭乘早上 8 點開往富
                     heading to Fuli from this platform. You        里的火車。就是停靠在月臺
                     will be able to identify the train by the      上,車廂上有彩繪動物的那

                     animal painted on it.                          一臺!

                     Fullerton trains have depictions of            富樂登地區的列車車廂上均
                     conservation animals on them and the           繪製了富樂登境內的保育類

                     one to Fuli has the leopard cat and            動物。例如開往富里的這一
                     pangolin on it.                                臺列車,上面便繪製了石虎

                     You may get on the last car of the train       您可以至最後一節車廂搭乘,

                     where there is a rack to secure your           將腳踏車固定於車架上後並
                     bikes. You can take charge of them             自行保管。

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