Page 12 - Training for Employees of Transportation Enterprises Promotion from Middle Rank to Senior Rank
P. 12

Training for Employees of Transportation Enterprises Promotion
                        from Middle Rank to Senior Rank

                     C:     Then I will recommend a one-day pass, which allows you to get
                            on and off at all stations along the route for the day.

                     J:     We would like to bike to the green tunnel. May I ask whether
                            we need to pay more for bringing our bikes on the train?

                     C:     Yes. But you can still use a one-day pass with a bike supplement.

                            However, there are only a limited number of bike spaces on the
                            train. Please remember to ask the train conductor about the

                            availability and location of bike spaces.

                            That comes to NTD400 in total. Thanks.

                     (10 minutes later……) George and Jenny are now on the platform. They

                     are asking the Station Master, Mr. Wu, if they can take this train to

                     W:     Good morning. How may I help you?

                     G:     We would like to take a train to Fuli.

                            Could you tell us if we are on the right platform?

                     W:     Yes. You may take the 8:00 am train heading to Fuli from this


                            You will be able to identify the train by the animal painted on

                            it. Fullerton trains have depictions of conservation animals on
                            them and the one to Fuli has the leopard cat and pangolin on it.

                     G:     Could you show us how to get our bikes on the train?

                     W:     You may get on the last car of the train where there is a rack to
                            secure your bikes. You can take charge of them yourselves.

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