Page 10 - Training for Employees of Transportation Enterprises Promotion from Middle Rank to Senior Rank
P. 10

Training for Employees of Transportation Enterprises Promotion
                        from Middle Rank to Senior Rank

                      This is a historic railway station             這是一座以檜木建造並別具
                      constructed out of cypress.                    歷史的車站。

                      It was badly damaged in the 921                這座火車站曾於 921 地震中

                      Earthquake, but has kept its Japanese-         毀損。而完成重建後的火車
                      style wood exterior in the restorations.       站,仍保有其日式風格的木

                      You may leave the Fuli Railway Station         您可以從這個出口離開,出

                      through this exit. Afterward go                站後先向前直走,之後左轉。
                      straight ahead and turn left. You will         沿著指示一路行走,您便可

                      be able to make your way to the green          以抵達綠色隧道了。
                      tunnel by following the signs.

                      Our railway bento is both famous and           我們的鐵路便當十分有名,
                      delicious. It should not be missed. I          也非常美味。非常推薦您先

                      would recommend you first buy a “to-           在車站外帶便當,並可在稍
                      go” bento outside the station to have          後的鐵馬之旅休憩時,作為

                      as your lunch during a cycling break.          您的午餐享用。

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