Page 18 - Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations (Practical English for Civil Servants - for Junior Civil Servants)
P. 18

Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations

                      If you want to apply for a driver’s            如果您要申請駕照,您需要
                      license, you need to submit proof              檢附在臺灣居留 6 個月以上

                      of Taiwan residency of six months              之證明件、外國駕照、護照
                      or longer, your foreign license, your          正本及影本、本人最近 2 年

                      passport and a copy of it, and three           內拍攝之 1 吋脫帽五官清晰
                                                                     正面半身彩色照片 3 張、新
                      one-inch ID pictures taken within              臺幣 200 元規費並完成登記
                      the past two years. You must also              書填寫。
                      pay a 200 NTD fee and fill out the

                      registration form.

                      That depends on the state that issued          這取決於您的駕照係由哪一

                      your license. We usually follow the            州發行。我們係依據平等互

                      reciprocal principles.                         惠原則辦理。

                      Your identification expired over a             您的證件已經逾期一個月,

                      month ago. You need to reapply and             需要補辦並繳交費用。
                      pay an application fee.

                      The application process will take up to        因證件申辦需要 3 個工作日,
                      three working days. If you are unable          如您無法親自前來領件,可

                      to pick it up in person, you may take          於櫃臺完成送件程序後,持
                      the application receipt to the Post            收據至一樓大廳郵局代辦處,

                      Office on the first floor, fill in a proxy     繳付郵資申請由郵局代領代
                      form for the Post Office to pick up            寄回文件之服務。

                      your identification on your behalf, and
                      prepay for a return-mail envelope to

                      have your identification sent to you.

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