Page 19 - Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations (Practical English for Civil Servants - for Junior Civil Servants)
P. 19

Practical English for Civil Servants - for Junior Civil Servants

                     情境對話                 Dialogue

                    Applying for a Permanent Driver’s License

                        Mary will work in Taiwan for several years. She has some questions

                    about using a foreign license to drive in Taiwan.

                        Today she walks into the Motor Vehicles Office ( 監理所 ). Mr. Wang,
                    a security guard at the reception desk in the lobby, reminds her of the

                    prevention measures against COVID-19 and checks all of the visitors’
                    temperatures before they go into the center. Later, Desk Officer Chen

                    offers help.

                     M = Mary =瑪麗

                     W = Mr. Wang =警衛王先生

                     C = Ms. Chen =櫃臺服務員陳科員

                     I = Information desk =服務臺

                     W:     Good Morning. Welcome to Fullerton City.

                            Please wear a mask in public to stop the spread of the virus. It
                            is for yourself and other people.

                     (Mary is wearing her face mask.)

                     W:     We need to check your forehead temperature before we let
                            you in.

                     (Mr. Wang is taking Mary‘s forehead temperature.)

                     W:     36.5 degrees Celsius. OK.

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