Page 22 - Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations (Practical English for Civil Servants - for Junior Civil Servants)
P. 22

Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations

                     M:     What a relief.

                            What documents will I need?

                     C:     You will need to submit proof of Taiwan residency of six
                            months or longer, your foreign license, your passport and a

                            copy of it, and three one-inch ID pictures taken within the past
                            two years. You must also pay a 200 NTD fee and fill out the

                            registration form.

                     Mary gives the necessary documents to Ms. Chen.

                     C:     You have all the necessary documents, and …..

                            Wait… have a West Virginia driver’s license!

                     M:     That’s correct.

                     (Ms. Chen is looking it up via a computer……)

                     C:     Good news!

                            A West Virginia driver's license qualifies for the reciprocity

                            principle, which means your license will be issued without any

                     M:     That’s wonderful.

                            I feel a lot better now.

                            Thanks for clearing it up.

                     C:     You’re welcome.

                            I hope you have a wonderful day.

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