Page 21 - Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations (Practical English for Civil Servants - for Junior Civil Servants)
P. 21

Practical English for Civil Servants - for Junior Civil Servants

                     C:     This is because the International Driving Permit is for those who
                            will be staying in Taiwan from 30 to 365 days, so it is no longer
                            valid after a year.

                     M:     I see.

                            I heard I can just exchange my U.S. license for a Taiwan license.

                            Is that true?

                     C:     That depends on the state that issued your license.

                            We usually follow the reciprocal principles.

                     M:     Oh. I have a Virginia license.

                            Is that OK?

                     C:     Just a moment, please.

                            Let me check the list of regions and related regulations.

                     C:     Yes, you can apply for a Taiwan driver’s license with a Virginia
                            license that you’ve held for at least six months. You won’t have

                            to take a road test.

                            You will have to pass a health exam and a written exam, though.

                     M:     You’re kidding.

                            I can’t take a test in Chinese.

                            I’ll never pass it.

                     C:     Don’t worry.

                            You can take the test in English.

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