Page 19 - Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations (Practical English for Civil Servants - for Elementary Civil Servants)
P. 19

Practical English for Civil Servants - for Elementary Civil Servants

                     實用句型                Practical Sentence Patterns

                    Hotline Service and Application Inquiries

                     Hello, this is the service line at the         您好,這裡是監理所服務專

                     Motor Vehicles Office, Ms. Chen                線,敝姓陳。請問有什麼需
                     speaking. What can I do for you?               要服務的地方?

                     How long do you plan to stay in                您預計在臺灣停留多久呢?

                     If you plan to stay for over a year, we        如您預計在臺灣居留超過 1
                     advise you to change your U.S. driver’s        年,我們建議將您的美國駕

                     license to a Taiwan license.                   照,換領為臺灣當地駕照。

                     That depends on the state that issued          這取決於您的駕照係由哪一

                     your license. We usually follow the            州發行。我們係依據平等互

                     reciprocal principles.                         惠原則辦理。

                     Our system is processing your case.            我們系統正在處理您的案件,

                     Please do not hang up.                         請不要掛斷。

                     Thank you for your patience.                   不好意思,讓您久等了。

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