Page 21 - Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations (Practical English for Civil Servants - for Elementary Civil Servants)
P. 21

Practical English for Civil Servants - for Elementary Civil Servants

                     情境對話                 Dialogue

                    Applying for a Permanent Driver’s License

                        Mary will work in Taipei for several years. She has questions about

                    using a foreign license to drive in Taiwan. Today she decides to call the
                    Motor Vehicles Office ( 監理所 ) and talks to Desk Officer Chen.

                     M = Mary =瑪麗

                     C = Ms. Chen =陳科員

                     C:     Good morning.

                            This is the service line from Motor Vehicles Office, Ms. Chen

                            What can I do for you?

                     M:     I want to apply for an International Driving Permit.

                     C:     How long do you plan to stay in Taiwan?

                     M:     I am working in Taiwan.

                            I will be here for at least two years.

                     C:     If you plan to stay for over a year, we advise you to change

                            your U.S. driver’s license to a Taiwan license.

                     M:     Why can’t I change to an International Driving Permit?

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