Page 24 - Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations (Practical English for Civil Servants - for Elementary Civil Servants)
P. 24

Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations

                      重要詞彙                Words & Phrases

                     driver’s license (N.)                            駕駛執照

                     International driving permit (N.)                國際駕駛許可

                     issue (V.)                                       發行

                     the principle of reciprocity (N.)                平等互惠原則

                     road test (N.)                                   路考

                     health exam (N.)                                 體檢

                     written exam (N.)                                筆試

                     relief (N.)                                      釋放

                     submit (V.)                                      遞交、檢附

                     copy (N.)                                        影本

                     one-inch picture (N.)                            1 吋相片

                     registration form (N.)                           登記表

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