Page 20 - Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations (Practical English for Civil Servants - for Elementary Civil Servants)
P. 20

Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations

                      Please call during business hours              您可以在上班時間打電話來
                      to inquire about your application              詢問申請進度。


                      This is a free 24-hour hotline.                這是24小時免付費專線電話。

                      If you want to apply for a driver’s            您需要檢附在臺灣居留 6 個

                      license, you need to submit proof              月以上之證明件、外國駕照、
                      of Taiwan residency of six months              護照正本及影本、本人最近 2

                      or longer, your foreign license, your          年內拍攝之 1 吋脫帽五官清
                      passport and a copy of it, and three           晰正面半身彩色照片 3 張、

                      one-inch ID pictures taken within              新臺幣 200 元規費並完成登
                      the past two years. You must also

                      pay a 200 NTD fee and fill out the
                      registration form.

                      Thank you for calling. I hope you have         感謝您的來電。祝您有個美
                      a wonderful day.                               好的一天。

                      Is there anything else I can help you          還有什麼我能效勞的地方嗎?
                      with ?

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