Page 31 - Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations (Practical English for Civil Servants - for Elementary Civil Servants)
P. 31

Practical English for Civil Servants - for Elementary Civil Servants

                     實用句型                Practical Sentence Patterns

                    Introducing Agency and Making Job Description

                     Good morning, Sir/Madam. Welcome               早安,先生 / 女士。

                     to Fullerton City Government.                  歡迎蒞臨富樂登市政府。

                     It’s a pleasure to meet you. I am              很榮幸認識您。我是文化局
                     Desk Officer Wu of the Cultural and            文創發展科吳科員。
                     Creative Development Division of the

                     Cultural Affairs Bureau.

                     The Bureau of Cultural Affairs is              文化局隸屬於富樂登市政府,
                     attached to Fullerton City Government          掌理富樂登市文化、藝術之

                     and is in charge of the inheritance and        傳承與發展及文化資產保存
                     development of culture and arts and            維護等事項。

                     the preservation and maintenance of
                     the cultural assets of Fullerton City.

                     The Director-General of the Cultural           文化局設局長 1 人,由市長
                     Affairs Bureau, appointed by the               指派,綜理局務,並指揮、

                     Mayor, takes charge of the bureau              監督所屬機關及員工。
                     by directing and supervising sub-

                     ordinate agencies and staff.

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