Page 33 - Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations (Practical English for Civil Servants - for Elementary Civil Servants)
P. 33

Practical English for Civil Servants - for Elementary Civil Servants

                     I have worked in the Cultural and              我在文創發展科工作 2 年。
                     Creative Development Division for two          業務上受到科長與股長的監

                     years. I’m under the supervision and           督指導。
                     direction of the division director and

                     section chief.

                     I am responsible for the operations            我個人業務職掌主要負責文

                     and management of the Cultural and             創園區營運與管理、創意中

                     Creative Park and the Creative Center,         心及設計大展等。
                     as well planning for the annual Design
                     Exposition, among other tasks.

                     The Bureau has brought cultural                文化局藉由舉辦各項文化活

                     policies and significant issues to the         動,以引發公眾關注文化政
                     public's attention, and has been               策與重大議題,進而提升市

                     holding numerous cultural events to            民文化素養。
                     enhance the cultural life of citizens.

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