Page 35 - Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations (Practical English for Civil Servants - for Elementary Civil Servants)
P. 35

Practical English for Civil Servants - for Elementary Civil Servants

                     重點解析                Tips in Use

                    ★ 隸屬於……機關

                        be attached to…


                           Cultural Affairs Bureau is attached to Fullerton City Government.

                         ▼    相似詞:be affiliated with…/ be subordinate to…

                    ★ 機關內部組織包含……個業務單位

                        be comprised of + 數字 business units

                    【例】本局內部組織包含 7 個業務單位。

                           The Bureau is comprised of seven business units.

                    ★ 主要負責……

                        be in charge of…

                    【例】 文創發展科業務職掌主要包含文化創意產業政策規劃、法規制(訂)

                           The Cultural and Creative Development Division is mainly in

                           charge of policy planning, formulation and implementation of
                           laws and regulations, and talent cultivation and exchange for
                           cultural and creative industry.

                          ▼   相似詞:be responsible for…

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