Page 34 - Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations (Practical English for Civil Servants - for Elementary Civil Servants)
P. 34

Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations

                      重要詞彙                Words & Phrases

                     Cultural Affairs Bureau (N.)
                     Department of Cultural Affairs (N.)

                     director-general / commissioner (N.)             局長

                     division director (N.)                           科長

                     section chief (N.)                               股長

                     desk officer / staff officer (N.)                科員(一般行政機關)

                     officer (N.)                                     軍警人員

                     business unit(s) (N.)                            業務單位

                     supportive unit(s) (N.)                          幕僚單位

                     division (N.)                                    科(機關內單位)

                     Cultural and Creative Park (N.)                  文化創意產業園區

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