Page 27 - Training for Promotion from Junior Rank to Senior Rank
P. 27

Practical English for Civil Servants




                    Showing Statistics or Data as Evidence

                    A statistics report issued by the Ministry of Transportation and

                    Communications in 2017 revealed that for each driver of a car it takes
                    more than 8.9 minutes to find a parking space.

                    交通部於 2017 年的統計資料顯示,平均每位駕駛至少需花費 8.9 分鐘,方可


                    According to the Fullerton City Government, more than 300,000 smart

                    meters have been installed. The new meters record electricity usage in
                    15-minute intervals, providing customers with a better understanding

                    of their electric usage and expenses.

                    根據富樂登市統計,今年已完成 30 萬具智慧電表的裝設。新型智慧電表平均
                    每 15 分鐘更新一次電力資訊,使民眾更能掌握家裡的用電情形。

                     高手經驗談     The Sharing of Professional Experiences

                        The Psychology of the Audience

                        1.   Basic Information (the total number of attendees as well as their
                            age, gender, position, and social status, etc.)

                        2.  Interests or Needs

                        3.  Experts or Novices

                        4.  Knowledge of the Speaker/Topic
                        5.  Cultural Background

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