Page 28 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 28

Promotion Training for Police Officers

                      With a view to preventing citizen from         為了保護人民不被毒品危害,
                      severe harm of drugs, we take anti-            查緝毒品也是我們重點工作

                      drug action as one of our important            之一。

                      In line with planning and instructions         為了維護公共安全與交通秩
                      of superior agencies, we set up DUI            序,我們有時候會配合上級

                      checkpoints for breath alcohol level           規劃,在指定的路段設置臨

                      testing so as to crack down on drunk           檢點,進行酒測稽查,遏阻
                      driving to maintain public security and        酒後駕車行為。
                      traffic order.

                      Whenever there are traffic accidents           民眾發生交通事故或行車糾

                      or disputes, people usually file               紛時,通常會報警請我們協
                      reports with the police for necessary          助處理。

                      management and assistance.

                      During rush hours of weekdays or               平日上下班尖峰時段及有大

                      large-scale events, the police have to         型活動時,執行活動安全及
                      not only ensure order and safety, but          交通管制疏導,也是我們的

                      also regulate heavy traffic.                   工作項目之一。

                      In response to street brawls, the              發生街頭械鬥時,我們會組

                      police quick-response squads rush to           成快打部隊,即時到場快速
                      the scene and crack down on street             打擊街頭暴力行為。

                      violence in time.

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