Page 27 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 27

Practical English for Police Officers

                     實用句型                Practical Sentence Patterns

                    Introducing Agency and Making Job Description

                     I am Officer Bond, Sunny Police Station        我是中央市警察局正義分局

                     of Justice Precinct of the Central City        陽光派出所的警員龐德。
                     Police Department.

                     Today, I have the great pleasure to            今天我要為大家介紹派出所
                     introduce the daily routine for a police       警員日常執行的勤務工作。

                     station officer.

                     I usually patrol my beat by riding a           執勤的時候,通常會騎著公

                     motorcycle and make random stops               務機車在轄區巡邏,不定時
                     for environmental observation so as            在各個巡邏點執行重點守望

                     to maintain social order and security.         並留意周圍狀況,維護轄區

                     If I found traffic violation cases, I shall    如果發現交通違規情形,就會
                     crack down immediately so as to                逕行取締,以維持交通秩序。

                     maintain traffic order.

                     Certainly, cracking down on burglary,          檢肅竊盜,也就是抓小偷,

                     i.e., catching thefts, is one of police’s      當然是我們的重要工作之一。
                     main duties.

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