Page 29 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 29

Practical English for Police Officers

                     Moreover, the police provide various           不只是這樣,我們還提供很
                     warmhearted services, such as                  多暖心的服務呢 ! 例如,協

                     searching for missing persons, which           尋失蹤人口,讓走失的民眾
                     enable them to reunion with their              能夠返家團聚。


                     We also encounter with emergencies,            我們也常常遇到一些突發的

                     such as suicide cases, which need the          狀況,例如:協助勸導輕生

                     police to handle with effective and            民眾,避免自戕行為的發生。
                     patient exhortations.

                     In conclusion, it is the police’s job          總而言之,打擊犯罪、維護
                     to combat with crimes, maintain                社會秩序、解決民眾的各種

                     social order, and solve troublesome            疑難雜症等都是我們的工作。
                     problems for citizens. As the “guardian        身為人民保母,維護社會安

                     of citizens”, we deem the maintenance          全是我們的使命!
                     of social security and order to be our


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