Page 24 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 24

Promotion Training for Police Officers

                     A few minutes later…….

                     C:     Sir, the test shows that your alcohol level is 0.23 mg/l, which

                            exceeds the legal limit 0.15mg/l.

                     G:     That’s impossible!

                            We didn’t drink. We just had a hotpot.

                            You must be kidding me!

                            This was my first time to try it.

                            There are ginger, vegetables and duck in the hotpot.

                     C:     Got it! You probably had ginger duck stew!

                            It is cooked with rice wine.

                            Eating too much ginger duck stew will make your alcohol level
                            above the legal limit.

                     G:     What am I going to do now?

                     C:     Since you have been riding under the influence of alcohol, I

                            have to write you a ticket.

                            Riding a bicycle right after drinking is very dangerous.

                            For your safety, please return the bicycle at the YouBike station
                            right there.

                            I suggest you take a taxi or call a friend to pick you up.

                            Remember to pay the fine before its due date.

                     G:     Okay, I understand. Thank you!

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